Agendas & Minutes

Below are links to meeting agendas and minutes.  Records of meetings from prior years are available upon request.  Visit the Archives page to view older items.

Minutes of past meetings are approved by the Town Board at the subsequent regular meeting.  Such approved minutes with corrections, if any, are then the official record.

Meeting Notices and Agendas:

20250114 Monthly Meeting Agenda.pdf

Previous Meeting Agenda:

20241210 Monthly Meeting Agenda.pdf

Minutes of the previous meeting are reviewed for approval at the subsequent meeting of the governing body.  Following approval by the governing body, the minutes of the meeting proceedings will be posted here and such approved minutes are the official record.

Approved Meeting Minutes:

20241112 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20241008 Special Meeting & Budget Planning Minutes.pdf
20241021 Special Meeting & Budget Planning Minutes.pdf
20241008 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20240910 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20240815 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20240709 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20240611 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20240514 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20240409 Meeting Minutes.pdf
20240416 Annual Meeting Minutes.pdf

Recently Approved Resolutions/Ordinances:

T-Lakeland Res. 2024-02 Endorsing Mosaic for BEAD 09Jul2024.pdf

Previews of recently adopted or enacted resolutions and ordinances may be accessed here. If there are no document previews, please visit the Archives. 

Res. 2024-01 Appointment of Election Officials.docx.pdf

Previews of recently adopted or enacted resolutions and ordinances may be accessed here. If there are no document previews, please visit the Archives. 

Res. 2023-01 Appointment of Election Officials.pdf

Previews of recently adopted or enacted resolutions and ordinances may be accessed here. If there are no document previews, please visit the Archives. 

Ordinance 2022-01 ATV _ UTV Routes and Operation.pdf

Previews of recently adopted or enacted resolutions and ordinances may be accessed here. If there are no document previews, please visit the Archives. 

Res. 2022-01 Appointment of Town Clerk.pdf

Previews of recently adopted or enacted resolutions and ordinances may be accessed here. If there are no document previews, please visit the Archives. 

Click on the link above to view archived documents. For faster loading, files are archived quarterly. Public record requests may be made to the Town Clerk.