Tax Information

Real Estate and Personal Property Tax collection in Wisconsin begins with tax statements being mailed in mid-December.  Payments are first made to the Town Municipal Treasurer and then to the County Treasurer after the first payment deadline.  Mailed payments that are postmarked by the deadline are accepted as paid on that date.

Payment Deadlines

December 31st -  For taxpayers that wish to pay taxes in the current calendar year payments must be received or postmarked by December 31st.

January 31st - First Installments or Full Balance payments are due (postmarked) no later than January 31st each year. These payments are payable directly to the Town Treasurer.

Second installment of taxes are due by July 31st and are payable to the Barron County Treasurer - click here to view tax payment options to Barron County:

Address changes may be made throughout the year and, ideally, prior to November 15th by contacting Barron County Treasurer.

Online Payment Options

Taxes may be paid online via the following link, which can also be found on the Barron County website:


If you have questions regarding your tax statement, payment options, or need to update your mailing address, please contact the Town Treasurer.

Town Treasurer

Beth Narges

PO Box 28, Barronett, WI  54813



Impact of Taxes - Amount or Values

If you have questions or concerns with regard to why property taxes increased or decreased, you may contact the clerk or elected officials for that taxing jurisdiction. If you have questions or concerns with regard to the value of your property, you may contact the Assessor for the Town. Contact information for such officials is available to the public and located in the Contact Us portion of this website, as well as for the other jurisdictions.

How Taxes are Calculated

Taxes are calculated based on the budget adopted by the governing body of a tax jurisdiction, State, County, Municipality, Tech School, School District, Lake District, which are then applied to property values generating a mill rate. This mill rate is then calculated for every $1,000 of property value per each owner. Therefore, if the mill rate is $1.00 and your home has a value of $100,000 - your property tax liability is $100.

The formula - Use the Total Net Mill Rate and divide it by 1,000. Next, multiply the property's assessed value by the mill rate, and the total is the property tax liability. 

Other Resources

The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has a section of its website dedicated to "Individuals" with a variety of resources and information for many topics.

The direct link can be found here:

The DOR Guide for Property Owners can be found via the following link:

DOR website section for "Property Tax" can be found via the following link: