Survey - Internet

Interest Questionnaire for Improved Broadband, High Speed Internet
in the Town of Lakeland

The purpose of this survey is to gauge the need and interest of improved broadband internet in the Town of Lakeland, Barron County, Wisconsin. To maintain the integrity of data and any grant applications, only Town of Lakeland residents and property owners of improved parcels within the Town are to respond.*

*One survey response per property is permitted. A link to conduct a speed test is provided; speed test should be opened in a new browser window. Use the NEXT, BACK, and SUBMIT buttons. A confirmation statement will appear once your survey has been successfully submitted.

Data collected in this survey will be shared with partnering internet provider(s) and within application(s) for local, State, and/or Federal funding. Survey responses will be maintained as whole data wherever feasible, and there will be limitations to the sharing of personal information such as email addresses and telephone numbers. The name, including mailing address, of real estate property owners is data that has already been public information, e.g. plat books and assessment rolls. The Town Clerk is the records custodian for the information obtained in the survey.

Testimonials may be beneficial in a grant application. If you are interested in sharing your unique experiences or challenges with internet connectivity or internet speeds, such as for business or online learning, please check the box to indicate your interest and provide contact information to reach you, email or telephone.

The deadline to complete this survey is September 15, 2023. The Town Board extends its appreciation for your participation and cooperation in this endeavor. Thank you.

Use the following link to access the survey:  Town of Lakeland Survey regarding High Speed Internet via Google Forms